Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Vicious Cycle of Anti-Immigrant Policies


Based on the language of above-mentioned quote, one can link it to today's current issues in our country but if one would inquire where it came from, this was written in a newspaper article in the early twentieth century--now blown up as a large poster board in one of Ellis Island's exhibits, describing the xenophobic sentiments and policies generated and promoted throughout that time. Individuals from Irish, Italian, Polish and Scandinavian descent were cast aside and fell victims to violence, harassment and persecution simply because of their migratory status.

Towards the late nineteenth century, President Wilson's Immigration Act of 1882 restricted the influx of immigrants, denying uneducated immigrants to this country and specifically denying Chinese immigrants the right to migrate to the U.S. The Temporary Quota Act of 1921 during President Hoover's administration monitored the amount of immigrants coming into this country from Europe. The National Origins Act of 1924 opened doors for massive Irish migration unlike the massive restriction of Italian migration to this country (65,700 Irish immigrants compared to 5,000 Italian immigrants coming into the U.S. 'Data based on Erickson-Coble's study).

Prior information is only a minute explanation of this country's vicious cycle of anti-immigrant sentiment which creates a paradox since this IS the only country established by immigrants. Today we are faced with the Arizona law SB1070. Rhode Island, Florida, Massachusetts and New Mexico are some of the states in this country who have begun proposing anti-immigrant policies within their states. These policies proposed by individuals which if we were to take it upon ourselves to research are more than likely, unless they are 100% Native American, descendants of immigrants. However, the argument to a comment such as the one I just mentioned would be that their descendants arrived here under legal conditions but this too can be questioned.

This country was found through blood-shed and war, internally and externally. The history that is neglected by much of academia from grades K-12 is the mass genocide of real natives by settlers who are now ancestors of many of these anti-immigrant politicians and individuals. Under basic human law, the morality of how this country came to be founded, can be considered illegal thus deeming all of us, with the exception of Native Americans, illegals. So how can the pot call the kettle black?

These anti-immigrant policies promote violence, xenophobia and racism within a society that is not fully educated within the field and importance of immigration. We have slowly witnessed the increase of violence towards the Latino community. Just as anti-immigrant policies are being promoted and increasing, so are hate crimes. The murder of an Ecuadorian immigrant in Long Island, a group of Guatemalan immigrants in Brooklyn, Mexican immigrants in Staten Island are some of the cases we see on the 6pm or 11pm news. What we do not see is a discrete and social impact these policies have amongst us. This I can attest to...

As many New Yorkers can relate, we constantly witness or are part of confrontations during our travels. And I myself have heard or seen a shift in some of these confrontations. In a city full of diversity and modernity one cannot imagine racism would exist but it does. If one is brown, the usual stereotype these days is that we are illegal or we do not speak Spanish. Ignorance + Anti-Immigrant Policies= Hate...this formula has viciously transcended into our daily lives. I myself have been witness to comments such as, "GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY, YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!!!", "THIS IS AMERICA, LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH", "SPIC!" Words that are freely used by a individuals young/old and who consider themselves, "American". But I ask myself what is American? Latinos are American, all of us by birth, for we come from only a different part of America. And English is not a native language, for it is a language brought forth by European immigrants who in some shape or form forcefully established themselves in a country already inhabited by Native Americans all whom have been in some form been cast aside from asserting what can be considered an illegal immigrant.

Every country has every right to control their own borders, to that extent I can agree. However, immigration reform policy is urgently needed. Current policies only repeat the mistakes of administration's pasts and ignite the same hate Western European immigrants had for Eastern European immigrants in the late nineteenth century or Protestant immigrants had for Catholic Immigrants in the early twentieth century. Today, Latinos are the second largest consumers in the USA and hold important roles within the labor market, illegal or legal. Our community and influence is embedded within the market therefore in a highly globalized country we are essential to this country's past, present and future.

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